Getting Started


This package is in alpha and is actively under development. Please feel free to report bugs or suggest improvements (see Reporting bugs and contributing)


The developer model is tested in Python 2.7 and 3.5, and depends on the following libraries, most of which are in Anaconda:

Development Version

The developer model can be installed from our development repository using pip, a Python package manager. pip is included with Anaconda so you should now be able to open a terminal and run the following command to install UrbanSim:

pip install -U

This will download the repo and install the remaining dependencies not included in Anaconda. You will need to have git credentials configured since this is currently a private repository.

Developer Install

If you are going to be developing this package you will want to fork the GitHub repository and clone your fork to your computer. Then run python develop to install this package in developer mode. In this mode you won’t have to reinstall it every time you make changes.

Reporting bugs and contributing

Please report any bugs you encounter via GitHub Issues, or contribute your code from a fork or branch by using a Pull Request and request a review so it can be considered as an addition to the codebase.