Introduction ============= OSMnet provides tools for the extraction of `OpenStreetMap`_ (OSM) street network data. OSMnet is intended to be used in tandem with `Pandana`_ and `UrbanAccess`_ libraries to extract street network nodes and edges. Let us know what you are working on or if you think you have a great use case by tweeting us at ``@urbansim``. Reporting bugs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please report any bugs you encounter via `GitHub Issues `__. 1. Check the error message and documentation 2. Search the previously opened and closed issues to see if the problem has already been reported 3. If the problem is with a dependency of OSMnet, please open an issue on the dependency's repo 4. If the problem is with OSMnet and you think you may have a fix, please submit a PR, otherwise please open an issue in the `issue tracker `__ following the issue template Contributing to OSMnet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have improvements or new features you would like to see in OSMnet: 1. Open a feature request via `GitHub Issues `__ and mark it with a `New feature` label so it can be reviewed 2. Contribute your code from a fork or branch by using a Pull Request (PR) and request a review so it can be considered as an addition to the codebase. Your code should attempt to conform to OSMnet's existing coding, commenting, and docstring styles. Add new or update the existing `unit tests `__ 3. Respond to the code review License ~~~~~~~~ OSMnet is licensed under the AGPL license. Related UDST libraries ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `Pandana `__ - `UrbanAccess `__ .. _OpenStreetMap: .. _Pandana: .. _UrbanAccess: