Change log ========== v0.6.1 ------ 2021/03/17 * Adds support for non-x86 CPUs, including ARM-based Macs * Removes accommodations for pre-C++11 compilers * Formally ends support for Python 2.7 v0.6 ---- 2020/11/20 * Adds vectorized, multi-threaded `calculation of many shortest path routes `_ at once * Restores usability of `network.plot() `_ by eliminating usage of Matplotlib's deprecated Basemap toolkit v0.5.1 ------ 2020/08/05 * Fixes a performance regression in `network.get_node_ids() `_ v0.5 ---- 2020/07/28 * Adds support for `calculating shortest path distances `_ between arbitrary origins and destinations, with vectorization and multi-threading * Restores alternate names for aggregation types, which were inadvertently removed in v0.4 * Fixes a bug with matplotlib backends * Improves compilation in MacOS 10.15 Catalina * Makes matplotlib and osmnet dependencies optional * Revises the documentation and demo notebook v0.4.4 ------ 2019/9/4 * Restores support for pre-C++11 compilers. v0.4.3 ------ 2019/8/28 * Improved compiler support. v0.4.2 ------ 2019/8/8 * Speed of network aggregations is improved. * Support for aggregating integer values is restored. * Thread count and contraction hierarchy status messages are restored. * Code written for v0.3 will continue to run, now raising deprecation warnings instead of errors. * Compilation improvements for Mac. v0.4.1 ------ 2018/7/30 * Documentation fixes. * Replaced uses of std::map::at() since it's not supported in pre-C++11 compilers. * Replaced initialization lists due to the same reason as above. v0.4 ---- 2017/6/27 * Major rewrite of the layer between Python and C++, which was previously written using the numpy C++ API, and now is written in cython. * The C++ that remains has been cleaned up a bit and formatted. * The major functionality change is that global memory is no longer used, so reserve_num_graphs no longer needs to be called and Network objects can be created and destroyed at the user's pleasure. * The change in global memory made the calls to init_pois no longer necessary. Then, that method has been removed and the max_items and max_distance parameters were relocated in the set_pois call. * The nearest neighbor queries are now resolved with Scipy instead of libANN. That removed additional global memory. v0.3 ---- 2017/4/5 * Python 3 compatibility. * The “network.nearest_pois()” method can now return the labels of the pois rather than just the distances * OSM data loading is now done via the osmnet package. * Changes to support multiple graphs. * Added reindex functions. * Updated documentation. * Switched code style checker in Travis CI to “pycodestyle”, which has replaced the “pep8” package.