Source code for urbansim.developer.developer

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

[docs]class Developer(object): """ Pass the dataframe that is returned by feasibility here Can also be a dictionary where keys are building forms and values are the individual data frames returned by the proforma lookup routine. """ def __init__(self, feasibility): if isinstance(feasibility, dict): feasibility = pd.concat(feasibility.values(), keys=feasibility.keys(), axis=1) self.feasibility = feasibility @staticmethod def _max_form(f, colname): """ Assumes dataframe with hierarchical columns with first index equal to the use and second index equal to the attribute. e.g. f.columns equal to:: mixedoffice building_cost building_revenue building_size max_profit max_profit_far total_cost industrial building_cost building_revenue building_size max_profit max_profit_far total_cost """ df = f.stack(level=0)[[colname]].stack().unstack(level=1).reset_index(level=1, drop=True) return df.idxmax(axis=1)
[docs] def keep_form_with_max_profit(self, forms=None): """ This converts the dataframe, which shows all profitable forms, to the form with the greatest profit, so that more profitable forms outcompete less profitable forms. Parameters ---------- forms: list of strings List of forms which compete which other. Can leave some out. Returns ------- Nothing. Goes from a multi-index to a single index with only the most profitable form. """ f = self.feasibility if forms is not None: f = f[forms] if len(f) > 0: mu = self._max_form(f, "max_profit") indexes = [tuple(x) for x in mu.reset_index().values] else: indexes = [] df = f.stack(level=0).loc[indexes] df.index.names = ["parcel_id", "form"] df = df.reset_index(level=1) return df
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_units_to_build(num_agents, num_units, target_vacancy): """ Compute number of units to build to match target vacancy. Parameters ---------- num_agents : int number of agents that need units in the region num_units : int number of units in buildings target_vacancy : float (0-1.0) target vacancy rate Returns ------- number_of_units : int the number of units that need to be built """ print("Number of agents: {:,}".format(num_agents)) print("Number of agent spaces: {:,}".format(int(num_units))) assert target_vacancy < 1.0 target_units = int(max(num_agents / (1 - target_vacancy) - num_units, 0)) print("Current vacancy = {:.2f}" .format(1 - num_agents / float(num_units))) print("Target vacancy = {:.2f}, target of new units = {:,}" .format(target_vacancy, target_units)) return target_units
[docs] def pick(self, form, target_units, parcel_size, ave_unit_size, current_units, max_parcel_size=200000, min_unit_size=400, drop_after_build=True, residential=True, bldg_sqft_per_job=400.0, profit_to_prob_func=None): """ Choose the buildings from the list that are feasible to build in order to match the specified demand. Parameters ---------- form : string or list One or more of the building forms from the pro forma specification - e.g. "residential" or "mixedresidential" - these are configuration parameters passed previously to the pro forma. If more than one form is passed the forms compete with each other (based on profitability) for which one gets built in order to meet demand. target_units : int The number of units to build. For non-residential buildings this should be passed as the number of job spaces that need to be created. parcel_size : series The size of the parcels. This was passed to feasibility as well, but should be passed here as well. Index should be parcel_ids. ave_unit_size : series The average residential unit size around each parcel - this is indexed by parcel, but is usually a disaggregated version of a zonal or accessibility aggregation. bldg_sqft_per_job : float (default 400.0) The average square feet per job for this building form. min_unit_size : float Values less than this number in ave_unit_size will be set to this number. Deals with cases where units are currently not built. current_units : series The current number of units on the parcel. Is used to compute the net number of units produced by the developer model. Many times the developer model is redeveloping units (demolishing them) and is trying to meet a total number of net units produced. max_parcel_size : float Parcels larger than this size will not be considered for development - usually large parcels should be specified manually in a development projects table. drop_after_build : bool Whether or not to drop parcels from consideration after they have been chosen for development. Usually this is true so as to not develop the same parcel twice. residential: bool If creating non-residential buildings set this to false and developer will fill in job_spaces rather than residential_units profit_to_prob_func: function As there are so many ways to turn the development feasibility into a probability to select it for building, the user may pass a function which takes the feasibility dataframe and returns a series of probabilities. If no function is passed, the behavior of this method will not change Returns ------- None if thar are no feasible buildings new_buildings : dataframe DataFrame of buildings to add. These buildings are rows from the DataFrame that is returned from feasibility. """ if len(self.feasibility) == 0: # no feasible buildings, might as well bail return if form is None: df = self.feasibility elif isinstance(form, list): df = self.keep_form_with_max_profit(form) else: df = self.feasibility[form] # feasible buildings only for this building type df = df[df.max_profit_far > 0] ave_unit_size[ave_unit_size < min_unit_size] = min_unit_size df["ave_unit_size"] = ave_unit_size df["parcel_size"] = parcel_size df['current_units'] = current_units df = df[df.parcel_size < max_parcel_size] df['residential_units'] = (df.residential_sqft / df.ave_unit_size).round() df['job_spaces'] = (df.non_residential_sqft / bldg_sqft_per_job).round() if residential: df['net_units'] = df.residential_units - df.current_units else: df['net_units'] = df.job_spaces - df.current_units df = df[df.net_units > 0] if len(df) == 0: print("WARNING THERE ARE NO FEASIBLE BUILDING TO CHOOSE FROM") return # print "Describe of net units\n", df.net_units.describe() print("Sum of net units that are profitable: {:,}" .format(int(df.net_units.sum()))) if profit_to_prob_func: p = profit_to_prob_func(df) else: df['max_profit_per_size'] = df.max_profit / df.parcel_size p = df.max_profit_per_size.values / df.max_profit_per_size.sum() if df.net_units.sum() < target_units: print("WARNING THERE WERE NOT ENOUGH PROFITABLE UNITS TO", "MATCH DEMAND") build_idx = df.index.values elif target_units <= 0: build_idx = [] else: # we don't know how many developments we will need, as they differ in net_units. # If all developments have net_units of 1 than we need target_units of them. # So we choose the smaller of available developments and target_units. choices = np.random.choice(df.index.values, size=min(len(df.index), target_units), replace=False, p=p) tot_units = df.net_units.loc[choices].values.cumsum() ind = int(np.searchsorted(tot_units, target_units, side="left")) + 1 build_idx = choices[:ind] if drop_after_build: self.feasibility = self.feasibility.drop(build_idx) new_df = df.loc[build_idx] = "parcel_id" return new_df.reset_index()
[docs] @staticmethod def merge(old_df, new_df, return_index=False): """ Merge two dataframes of buildings. The old dataframe is usually the buildings dataset and the new dataframe is a modified (by the user) version of what is returned by the pick method. Parameters ---------- old_df : dataframe Current set of buildings new_df : dataframe New buildings to add, usually comes from this module return_index : bool If return_index is true, this method will return the new index of new_df (which changes in order to create a unique index after the merge) Returns ------- df : dataframe Combined DataFrame of buildings, makes sure indexes don't overlap index : pd.Index If and only if return_index is True, return the new index for the new_df dataframe (which changes in order to create a unique index after the merge) """ maxind = np.max(old_df.index.values) new_df = new_df.reset_index(drop=True) new_df.index = new_df.index + maxind + 1 concat_df = pd.concat([old_df, new_df], verify_integrity=True) = 'building_id' if return_index: return concat_df, new_df.index return concat_df