Source code for urbansim.models.supplydemand

Tools for modeling how supply and demand affect real estate prices.

from __future__ import division

import logging

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _calculate_adjustment(
        lcm, choosers, alternatives, alt_segmenter,
        clip_change_low, clip_change_high, multiplier_func=None):
    Calculate adjustments to prices to compensate for
    supply and demand effects.

    lcm : LocationChoiceModel
        Used to calculate the probability of agents choosing among
        alternatives. Must be fully configured and fitted.
    choosers : pandas.DataFrame
    alternatives : pandas.DataFrame
    alt_segmenter : pandas.Series
        Will be used to segment alternatives and probabilities to do
        comparisons of supply and demand by submarket.
    clip_change_low : float
        The minimum amount by which to multiply prices each iteration.
    clip_change_high : float
        The maximum amount by which to multiply prices each iteration.
    multiplier_func : function (returns Series, boolean)
        A function which takes separate demand and supply Series
        and returns a tuple where the first item is a Series with the
        ratio of new price to old price (all indexes should be the same) -
        by default the ratio of demand to supply is the ratio of the new
        price to the old price.  The second return value is a
        boolean which when True tells this module to stop looping (that
        convergence has been satisfied)

    alts_muliplier : pandas.Series
        Same index as `alternatives`, values clipped to `clip_change_low`
        and `clip_change_high`.
    submarkets_multiplier : pandas.Series
        Index is unique values from `alt_segmenter`, values are the ratio
        of demand / supply for each segment in `alt_segmenter`.
    finished : boolean
        boolean indicator that this adjustment should be considered the
        final adjustment (if True).  If false, the iterative algorithm
        should continue.

    logger.debug('start: calculate supply and demand price adjustment ratio')
    # probabilities of agents choosing * number of agents = demand
    demand = lcm.summed_probabilities(choosers, alternatives)
    # group by submarket
    demand = demand.groupby(alt_segmenter.loc[demand.index].values).sum()

    # number of alternatives
    supply = alt_segmenter.value_counts()

    if multiplier_func is not None:
        multiplier, finished = multiplier_func(demand, supply)
        multiplier, finished = (demand / supply), False
    multiplier = multiplier.clip(clip_change_low, clip_change_high)

    # broadcast multiplier back to alternatives index
    alts_muliplier = multiplier.loc[alt_segmenter]
    alts_muliplier.index = alt_segmenter.index

        ('finish: calculate supply and demand price adjustment multiplier '
         'with mean multiplier {}').format(multiplier.mean()))
    return alts_muliplier, multiplier, finished

[docs]def supply_and_demand( lcm, choosers, alternatives, alt_segmenter, price_col, base_multiplier=None, clip_change_low=0.75, clip_change_high=1.25, iterations=5, multiplier_func=None): """ Adjust real estate prices to compensate for supply and demand effects. Parameters ---------- lcm : LocationChoiceModel Used to calculate the probability of agents choosing among alternatives. Must be fully configured and fitted. choosers : pandas.DataFrame alternatives : pandas.DataFrame alt_segmenter : str, array, or pandas.Series Will be used to segment alternatives and probabilities to do comparisons of supply and demand by submarket. If a string, it is expected to be the name of a column in `alternatives`. If a Series it should have the same index as `alternatives`. price_col : str The name of the column in `alternatives` that corresponds to price. This column is what is adjusted by this model. base_multiplier : pandas.Series, optional A series describing a starting multiplier for submarket prices. Index should be submarket IDs. clip_change_low : float, optional The minimum amount by which to multiply prices each iteration. clip_change_high : float, optional The maximum amount by which to multiply prices each iteration. iterations : int, optional Number of times to update prices based on supply/demand comparisons. multiplier_func : function (returns Series, boolean) A function which takes separate demand and supply Series and returns a tuple where the first item is a Series with the ratio of new price to old price (all indexes should be the same) - by default the ratio of demand to supply is the ratio of the new price to the old price. The second return value is a boolean which when True tells this module to stop looping (that convergence has been satisfied) Returns ------- new_prices : pandas.Series Equivalent of the `price_col` in `alternatives`. submarkets_ratios : pandas.Series Price adjustment ratio for each submarket. If `base_multiplier` is given this will be a cummulative multiplier including the `base_multiplier` and the multipliers calculated for this year. """ logger.debug('start: calculating supply and demand price adjustment') # copy alternatives so we don't modify the user's original alternatives = alternatives.copy() # if alt_segmenter is a string, get the actual column for segmenting demand if isinstance(alt_segmenter, str): alt_segmenter = alternatives[alt_segmenter] elif isinstance(alt_segmenter, np.array): alt_segmenter = pd.Series(alt_segmenter, index=alternatives.index) choosers, alternatives = lcm.apply_predict_filters(choosers, alternatives) alt_segmenter = alt_segmenter.loc[alternatives.index] # check base ratio and apply it to prices if given if base_multiplier is not None: bm = base_multiplier.loc[alt_segmenter] bm.index = alt_segmenter.index alternatives[price_col] = alternatives[price_col] * bm base_multiplier = base_multiplier.copy() for _ in range(iterations): alts_muliplier, submarkets_multiplier, finished = _calculate_adjustment( lcm, choosers, alternatives, alt_segmenter, clip_change_low, clip_change_high, multiplier_func=multiplier_func) alternatives[price_col] = alternatives[price_col] * alts_muliplier # might need to initialize this for holding cumulative multiplier if base_multiplier is None: base_multiplier = pd.Series( np.ones(len(submarkets_multiplier)), index=submarkets_multiplier.index) base_multiplier *= submarkets_multiplier if finished: break logger.debug('finish: calculating supply and demand price adjustment') return alternatives[price_col], base_multiplier