Source code for urbansim.models.transition

Use the ``TransitionModel`` class with the different transitioners to
add or remove agents based on growth rates or target totals.

from __future__ import division

import logging

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from . import util
from ..utils.logutil import log_start_finish
from ..utils.sampling import sample_rows

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _empty_index():
    return pd.Index([])

[docs]def add_rows(data, nrows, starting_index=None, accounting_column=None): """ Add rows to data table according to a given nrows. New rows will have their IDs set to NaN. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame nrows : int Number of rows to add. starting_index : int, optional The starting index from which to calculate indexes for the new rows. If not given the max + 1 of the index of `data` will be used. accounting_column: string, optional Name of column with accounting totals/quanties to apply towards the control. If not provided then row counts will be used for accounting. Returns ------- updated : pandas.DataFrame Table with rows added. New rows will have their index values set to NaN. added : pandas.Index New indexes of the rows that were added. copied : pandas.Index Indexes of rows that were copied. A row copied multiple times will have multiple entries. """ logger.debug('start: adding {} rows in transition model'.format(nrows)) if nrows == 0: return data, _empty_index(), _empty_index() if not starting_index: starting_index = data.index.values.max() + 1 new_rows = sample_rows(nrows, data, accounting_column=accounting_column) copied_index = new_rows.index added_index = pd.Index(np.arange( starting_index, starting_index + len(new_rows.index), new_rows.index = added_index logger.debug( 'finish: added {} rows in transition model'.format(len(new_rows))) return pd.concat([data, new_rows]), added_index, copied_index
[docs]def remove_rows(data, nrows, accounting_column=None): """ Remove a random `nrows` number of rows from a table. Parameters ---------- data : DataFrame nrows : float Number of rows to remove. accounting_column: string, optional Name of column with accounting totals/quanties to apply towards the control. If not provided then row counts will be used for accounting. Returns ------- updated : pandas.DataFrame Table with random rows removed. removed : pandas.Index Indexes of the rows removed from the table. """ logger.debug('start: removing {} rows in transition model'.format(nrows)) nrows = abs(nrows) # in case a negative number came in unit_check = data[accounting_column].sum() if accounting_column else len(data) if nrows == 0: return data, _empty_index() elif nrows > unit_check: raise ValueError('Number of rows to remove exceeds number of records in table.') remove_rows = sample_rows(nrows, data, accounting_column=accounting_column, replace=False) remove_index = remove_rows.index logger.debug('finish: removed {} rows in transition model'.format(nrows)) return data.loc[data.index.difference(remove_index)], remove_index
[docs]def add_or_remove_rows(data, nrows, starting_index=None, accounting_column=None): """ Add or remove rows to/from a table. Rows are added for positive `nrows` and removed for negative `nrows`. Parameters ---------- data : DataFrame nrows : float Number of rows to add or remove. starting_index : int, optional The starting index from which to calculate indexes for new rows. If not given the max + 1 of the index of `data` will be used. (Not applicable if rows are being removed.) Returns ------- updated : pandas.DataFrame Table with random rows removed. added : pandas.Index New indexes of the rows that were added. copied : pandas.Index Indexes of rows that were copied. A row copied multiple times will have multiple entries. removed : pandas.Index Index of rows that were removed. """ if nrows > 0: updated, added, copied = add_rows( data, nrows, starting_index, accounting_column=accounting_column) removed = _empty_index() elif nrows < 0: updated, removed = remove_rows(data, nrows, accounting_column=accounting_column) added, copied = _empty_index(), _empty_index() else: updated, added, copied, removed = \ data, _empty_index(), _empty_index(), _empty_index() return updated, added, copied, removed
[docs]class GrowthRateTransition(object): """ Transition given tables using a simple growth rate. Parameters ---------- growth_rate : float accounting_column: string, optional Name of column with accounting totals/quanties to apply towards the control. If not provided then row counts will be used for accounting. """ def __init__(self, growth_rate, accounting_column=None): self.growth_rate = growth_rate self.accounting_column = accounting_column
[docs] def transition(self, data, year): """ Add or remove rows to/from a table according to the prescribed growth rate for this model. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame Rows will be removed from or added to this table. year : None, optional Here for compatibility with other transition models, but ignored. Returns ------- updated : pandas.DataFrame Table with rows removed or added. added : pandas.Index New indexes of the rows that were added. copied : pandas.Index Indexes of rows that were copied. A row copied multiple times will have multiple entries. removed : pandas.Index Index of rows that were removed. """ if self.accounting_column is None: nrows = int(round(len(data) * self.growth_rate)) else: nrows = int(round(data[self.accounting_column].sum() * self.growth_rate)) with log_start_finish( 'adding {} rows via growth rate ({}) transition'.format( nrows, self.growth_rate), logger): return add_or_remove_rows(data, nrows, accounting_column=self.accounting_column)
def __call__(self, data, year): """ Call `self.transition` with inputs. """ return self.transition(data, year)
[docs]class TabularGrowthRateTransition(object): """ Growth rate based transitions where the rates are stored in a table indexed by year with optional segmentation. Parameters ---------- growth_rates : pandas.DataFrame rates_column : str Name of the column in `growth_rates` that contains the rates. accounting_column: string, optional Name of column with accounting totals/quanties to apply towards the control. If not provided then row counts will be used for accounting. """ def __init__(self, growth_rates, rates_column, accounting_column=None): self.growth_rates = growth_rates self.rates_column = rates_column self.accounting_column = accounting_column @property def _config_table(self): """ Table that has transition configuration. """ return self.growth_rates @property def _config_column(self): """ Non-filter column in config table. """ return self.rates_column def _calc_nrows(self, len_data, growth_rate): """ Calculate the number of rows to add to or remove from some data. Parameters ---------- len_data : int The current number of rows in the data table. growth_rate : float Growth rate as a fraction. Positive for growth, negative for removing rows. """ return int(round(len_data * growth_rate))
[docs] def transition(self, data, year): """ Add or remove rows to/from a table according to the prescribed growth rate for this model and year. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame Rows will be removed from or added to this table. year : None, optional Here for compatibility with other transition models, but ignored. Returns ------- updated : pandas.DataFrame Table with rows removed or added. added : pandas.Index New indexes of the rows that were added. copied : pandas.Index Indexes of rows that were copied. A row copied multiple times will have multiple entries. removed : pandas.Index Index of rows that were removed. """ logger.debug('start: tabular transition') if year not in self._config_table.index: raise ValueError('No targets for given year: {}'.format(year)) # want this to be a DataFrame year_config = self._config_table.loc[[year]] logger.debug('transitioning {} segments'.format(len(year_config))) segments = [] added_indexes = [] copied_indexes = [] removed_indexes = [] # since we're looping over discrete segments we need to track # out here where their new indexes will begin starting_index = data.index.values.max() + 1 for _, row in year_config.iterrows(): subset = util.filter_table(data, row, ignore={self._config_column}) # Do not run on segment if it is empty if len(subset) == 0: logger.debug('empty segment encountered') continue if self.accounting_column is None: nrows = self._calc_nrows(len(subset), row[self._config_column]) else: nrows = self._calc_nrows( subset[self.accounting_column].sum(), row[self._config_column]) updated, added, copied, removed = \ add_or_remove_rows(subset, nrows, starting_index, self.accounting_column) if nrows > 0: # only update the starting index if rows were added starting_index = starting_index + nrows segments.append(updated) added_indexes.append(added) copied_indexes.append(copied) removed_indexes.append(removed) updated = pd.concat(segments) added_indexes = util.concat_indexes(added_indexes) copied_indexes = util.concat_indexes(copied_indexes) removed_indexes = util.concat_indexes(removed_indexes) logger.debug('finish: tabular transition') return updated, added_indexes, copied_indexes, removed_indexes
def __call__(self, data, year): """ Call `self.transition` with inputs. """ return self.transition(data, year)
[docs]class TabularTotalsTransition(TabularGrowthRateTransition): """ Transition data via control totals in pandas DataFrame with optional segmentation. Parameters ---------- targets : pandas.DataFrame totals_column : str Name of the column in `targets` that contains the control totals. accounting_column: string, optional Name of column with accounting totals/quanties to apply towards the control. If not provided then row counts will be used for accounting. """ def __init__(self, targets, totals_column, accounting_column=None): self.targets = targets self.totals_column = totals_column self.accounting_column = accounting_column @property def _config_table(self): """ Table that has transition configuration. """ return self.targets @property def _config_column(self): """ Non-filter column in config table. """ return self.totals_column def _calc_nrows(self, len_data, target_pop): """ Calculate the number of rows to add to or remove from some data. Parameters ---------- len_data : int The current number of rows in the data table. target_pop : int Target population. """ return target_pop - len_data
[docs] def transition(self, data, year): """ Add or remove rows to/from a table according to the prescribed totals for this model and year. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame Rows will be removed from or added to this table. year : None, optional Here for compatibility with other transition models, but ignored. Returns ------- updated : pandas.DataFrame Table with rows removed or added. added : pandas.Index New indexes of the rows that were added. copied : pandas.Index Indexes of rows that were copied. A row copied multiple times will have multiple entries. removed : pandas.Index Index of rows that were removed. """ with log_start_finish('tabular totals transition', logger): return super(TabularTotalsTransition, self).transition(data, year)
def _update_linked_table(table, col_name, added, copied, removed): """ Copy and update rows in a table that has a column referencing another table that has had rows added via copying. Parameters ---------- table : pandas.DataFrame Table to update with new or removed rows. col_name : str Name of column in `table` that corresponds to the index values in `copied` and `removed`. added : pandas.Index Indexes of rows that are new in the linked table. copied : pandas.Index Indexes of rows that were copied to make new rows in linked table. removed : pandas.Index Indexes of rows that were removed from the linked table. Returns ------- updated : pandas.DataFrame """ logger.debug('start: update linked table after transition') # handle removals table = table.loc[~table[col_name].isin(set(removed))] if (added is None or len(added) == 0): return table # map new IDs to the IDs from which they were copied id_map = pd.concat([pd.Series(copied, name=col_name), pd.Series(added, name='temp_id')], axis=1) # join to linked table and assign new id new_rows = id_map.merge(table, on=col_name) new_rows.drop(col_name, axis=1, inplace=True) new_rows.rename(columns={'temp_id': col_name}, inplace=True) # index the new rows starting_index = table.index.values.max() + 1 new_rows.index = np.arange(starting_index, starting_index + len(new_rows), logger.debug('finish: update linked table after transition') return pd.concat([table, new_rows])
[docs]class TransitionModel(object): """ Models things moving into or out of a region. Parameters ---------- transitioner : callable A callable that takes a data table and a year number and returns and new data table, the indexes of rows added, the indexes of rows copied, and the indexes of rows removed. """ def __init__(self, transitioner): self.transitioner = transitioner
[docs] def transition(self, data, year, linked_tables=None): """ Add or remove rows from a table based on population targets. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame Rows will be removed from or added to this table. year : int Year number that will be passed to `transitioner`. linked_tables : dict of tuple, optional Dictionary of (table, 'column name') pairs. The column name should match the index of `data`. Indexes in `data` that are copied or removed will also be copied and removed in linked tables. They dictionary keys are used in the returned `updated_links`. Returns ------- updated : pandas.DataFrame Table with rows removed or added. added : pandas.Series Indexes of new rows in `updated`. updated_links : dict of pandas.DataFrame """ logger.debug('start: transition') linked_tables = linked_tables or {} updated_links = {} with log_start_finish('add/remove rows', logger): updated, added, copied, removed = self.transitioner(data, year) for table_name, (table, col) in linked_tables.items(): logger.debug('updating linked table {}'.format(table_name)) updated_links[table_name] = \ _update_linked_table(table, col, added, copied, removed) logger.debug('finish: transition') return updated, added, updated_links