Source code for

import orca
import pandas as pd

from urbansim_templates import modelmanager, shared, utils, __version__
from urbansim_templates.shared import CoreTemplateSettings, OutputColumnSettings

[docs]class ExpressionSettings(): """ Stores custom parameters used by the :mod:`` template. Parameters can be passed to the constructor or set as attributes. Parameters ---------- table : str, optional Name of Orca table the expression will be evaluated on. Required before running then template. expression : str, optional String describing operations on existing columns of the table, for example "a/log(b+c)". Required before running. Supports arithmetic and math functions including sqrt, abs, log, log1p, exp, and expm1 -- see Pandas ``df.eval()`` documentation for further details. """ def __init__(self, table = None, expression = None): self.table = table self.expression = expression @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): return cls(table=d['table'], expression=d['expression']) def to_dict(self): return {'table': self.table, 'expression': self.expression}
[docs]@modelmanager.template class ColumnFromExpression(): """ Template to register a column of derived data with Orca, based on an expression. Parameters may be passed to the constructor, but they are easier to set as attributes. The expression can refer to any columns in the same table, and will be evaluated using ``df.eval()``. Values will be calculated lazily, only when the column is needed for a specific operation. Parameters ---------- meta : :mod:`~urbansim_templates.shared.CoreTemplateSettings`, optional Standard parameters. This template sets the default value of ``meta.autorun`` to True. data : :mod:``, optional Special parameters for this template. output : :mod:`~urbansim_templates.shared.OutputColumnSettings`, optional Parameters for the column that will be generated. This template uses ``data.table`` as the default value for ``output.table``. """ def __init__(self, meta=None, data=None, output=None): self.meta = CoreTemplateSettings(autorun=True) if meta is None else meta self.meta.template = self.__class__.__name__ self.meta.template_version = __version__ = ExpressionSettings() if data is None else data self.output = OutputColumnSettings() if output is None else output
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): """ Create a class instance from a saved dictionary. """ if 'meta' not in d: return cls.from_dict_0_2_dev5(d) return cls( meta = CoreTemplateSettings.from_dict(d['meta']), data = ExpressionSettings.from_dict(d['data']), output = OutputColumnSettings.from_dict(d['output']))
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict_0_2_dev5(cls, d): """ Converter to read saved data from 0.2.dev5 or earlier. Automatically invoked by ``from_dict()`` as needed. """ return cls( meta = CoreTemplateSettings( name = d['name'], tags = d['tags'], autorun = d['autorun']), data = ExpressionSettings( table = d['table'], expression = d['expression']), output = OutputColumnSettings( column_name = d['column_name'], data_type = d['data_type'], missing_values = d['missing_values'], cache = d['cache'], cache_scope = d['cache_scope']))
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Create a dictionary representation of the object. """ return { 'meta': self.meta.to_dict(), 'data':, 'output': self.output.to_dict()}
[docs] def run(self): """ Run the template, registering a column of derived data with Orca. Requires values to be set for ``data.table``, ``data.expression``, and ``output.column_name``. """ if is None: raise ValueError("Please provide a table") if is None: raise ValueError("Please provide an expression") if self.output.column_name is None: raise ValueError("Please provide a column name") settings = self.output if settings.table is None: settings.table = cols = utils.cols_in_expression( def build_column(): df = utils.get_df(, columns=cols) series = df.eval( return series shared.register_column(build_column, settings)