Source code for urbansim_templates.models.regression

from __future__ import print_function

import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime as dt

import orca
from urbansim.models import RegressionModel
from urbansim.utils import yamlio

from .. import modelmanager
from ..utils import get_data, update_column
from .shared import TemplateStep

[docs]@modelmanager.template class OLSRegressionStep(TemplateStep): """ A class for building OLS (ordinary least squares) regression model steps. This extends TemplateStep, where some common functionality is defined. Estimation and simulation are handled by `urbansim.models.RegressionModel()`. Expected usage: - create a model object - specify some parameters - run the `fit()` method - iterate as needed Then, for simulation: - specify some simulation parameters - use the `run()` method for interactive testing - use `modelmanager.register()` to save the model to Orca and disk - registered steps can be accessed via ModelManager and Orca All parameters listed in the constructor can be set directly on the class object, at any time. Parameters ---------- tables : str or list of str, optional Name(s) of Orca tables to draw data from. The first table is the primary one. Any additional tables need to have merge relationships ("broadcasts") specified so that they can be merged unambiguously onto the first table. Among them, the tables must contain all variables used in the model expression and filters. The left-hand-side variable should be in the primary table. The `tables` parameter is required for fitting a model, but it does not have to be provided when the object is created. model_expression : str, optional Patsy formula containing both the left- and right-hand sides of the model expression: This parameter is required for fitting a model, but it does not have to be provided when the object is created. filters : str or list of str, optional Filters to apply to the data before fitting the model. These are passed to `pd.DataFrame.query()`. Filters are applied after any additional tables are merged onto the primary one. Replaces the `fit_filters` argument in UrbanSim. out_tables : str or list of str, optional Name(s) of Orca tables to use for simulation. If not provided, the `tables` parameter will be used. Same guidance applies: the tables must be able to be merged unambiguously, and must include all columns used in the right-hand-side of the model expression and in the `out_filters`. out_column : str, optional Name of the column to write predicted values to. If it does not already exist in the primary output table, it will be created. If not provided, the left-hand- side variable from the model expression will be used. Replaces the `out_fname` argument in UrbanSim. out_transform : str, optional Element-wise transformation to apply to the predicted values, for example to reverse a transformation of the left-hand-side variable in the model expression. This should be provided as a string containing a function name. Supports anything from NumPy or Python's built-in math library, for example 'np.exp' or 'math.floor'. Replaces the `ytransform` argument in UrbanSim. out_filters : str or list of str, optional Filters to apply to the data before simulation. If not provided, no filters will be applied. Replaces the `predict_filters` argument in UrbanSim. name : str, optional Name of the model step, passed to ModelManager. If none is provided, a name is generated each time the `fit()` method runs. tags : list of str, optional Tags, passed to ModelManager. """ def __init__(self, tables=None, model_expression=None, filters=None, out_tables=None, out_column=None, out_transform=None, out_filters=None, name=None, tags=[]): # Parent class can initialize the standard parameters TemplateStep.__init__(self, tables=tables, model_expression=model_expression, filters=filters, out_tables=out_tables, out_column=out_column, out_transform=out_transform, out_filters=out_filters, name=name, tags=tags) # Placeholders for model fit data, filled in by fit() or from_dict() self.summary_table = None self.fitted_parameters = None self.residuals = None self.model = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): """ Create an object instance from a saved dictionary representation. Parameters ---------- d : dict Returns ------- OLSRegressionStep """ # Pass values from the dictionary to the __init__() method obj = cls(tables=d['tables'], model_expression=d['model_expression'], filters=d['filters'], out_tables=d['out_tables'], out_column=d['out_column'], out_transform=d['out_transform'], out_filters=d['out_filters'], name=d['name'], tags=d['tags']) obj.summary_table = d['summary_table'] obj.fitted_parameters = d['fitted_parameters'] obj.model = None # Unpack the urbansim.models.RegressionModel() sub-object and resuscitate it if d['model'] is not None: model_config = yamlio.convert_to_yaml(d['model'], None) obj.model = RegressionModel.from_yaml(model_config) return obj
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Create a dictionary representation of the object. Returns ------- dict """ d = TemplateStep.to_dict(self) # Add parameters not in parent class d.update({ 'summary_table': self.summary_table, 'fitted_parameters': self.fitted_parameters, 'model': self.model.to_dict() if self.model else None }) return d
[docs] def fit(self): """ Fit the model; save and report results. This currently uses the `RegressionModel` class from core UrbanSim. We save the model object for prediction and interactive use (`model`, with type `urbansim.models.regression.RegressionModel`). For example, you can use this to get a latex version of the summary table using `m.model.model_fit.summary().as_latex()`. This may change in the future if we refactor the template to use StatsModels directly. """ self.model = RegressionModel(model_expression=self.model_expression, fit_filters=self.filters, predict_filters=self.out_filters, ytransform=None, df = get_data(tables = self.tables, filters = self.filters, model_expression = self.model_expression) results = = self._generate_name() self.summary_table = str(results.summary()) print(self.summary_table) # We don't strictly need to save the fitted parameters, because they are also # contained in the urbansim.models.RegressionModel() sub-object. But maintaining # a parallel data structure to other templates will make it easier to refactor the # code later on to not rely on RegressionModel any more. self.fitted_parameters = results.params.tolist() self.residuals = results.resid
[docs] def run(self): """ Run the model step: calculate predicted values, transform them as specified, and use them to update a column. The pre-transformation predicted values are saved to the class object for diagnostic use (`predicted_values` with type pd.Series). The post-transformation predicted values are written to Orca. """ df = get_data(tables = self.out_tables, fallback_tables = self.tables, filters = self.out_filters, model_expression = self.model_expression) values = self.model.predict(df) self.predicted_values = values if self.out_transform is not None: values = values.apply(eval(self.out_transform)) colname = self._get_out_column() tabname = self._get_out_table() update_column(table = tabname, column = colname, data = values)