Source code for urbansim_templates.models.segmented_large_multinomial_logit

from __future__ import print_function

import copy

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import orca
from urbansim.models.util import apply_filter_query

from ..__init__ import __version__
from ..utils import get_data, update_name
from .. import modelmanager
from . import LargeMultinomialLogitStep
from .shared import TemplateStep

[docs]@modelmanager.template class SegmentedLargeMultinomialLogitStep(TemplateStep): """ This template automatically generates a set of LargeMultinomialLogitStep submodels corresponding to "segments" or categories of choosers. The submodels can be directly accessed and edited. Running 'build_submodels()' will create a submodel for each category of choosers identified in the segmentation column. The submodels are implemented using filter queries. Once they are generated, the 'submodels' property contains a dict of LargeMultinomialLogitStep objects, identified by category name. You can edit their properties as needed, fit them individually, etc. Editing a property in the 'defaults' object will update all the submodels at once, while leaving customizations to other properties intact. Parameters ---------- defaults : LargeMultinomialLogitStep, optional Object containing initial parameter values for the submodels. Values for 'choosers', 'alternatives', and 'choice_column' are required to generate submodels, but do not have to be provided when the object is created. segmentation_column : str, optional Name of a column of categorical values in the 'defaults.choosers' table. Any data that can be interpreted by Pandas as categorical is valid. This is required to generate submodels, but does not have to be provided when the object is created. name : str, optional Name of the model step. tags : list of str, optional Tags associated with the model step. """ def __init__(self, defaults=None, segmentation_column=None, name=None, tags=[]): if defaults is None: defaults = LargeMultinomialLogitStep() self.defaults = defaults self.defaults.bind_to(self.update_submodels) self.segmentation_column = segmentation_column = name self.tags = tags self.template = self.__class__.__name__ self.template_version = __version__ # Properties to be filled in by build_submodels() or from_dict() self.submodels = {}
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): """ Create an object instance from a saved dictionary representation. Parameters ---------- d : dict Returns ------- SegmentedLargeMultinomialLogitStep """ mnl_step = LargeMultinomialLogitStep.from_dict obj = cls( defaults = mnl_step(d['defaults']), segmentation_column = d['segmentation_column'], name = d['name'], tags = d['tags']) obj.submodels = {k: mnl_step(m) for k, m in d['submodels'].items()} return obj
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Create a dictionary representation of the object. Returns ------- dict """ d = { 'template': self.template, 'template_version': self.template_version, 'name':, 'tags': self.tags, 'defaults': self.defaults.to_dict(), 'segmentation_column': self.segmentation_column, 'submodels': {k: m.to_dict() for k, m in self.submodels.items()} } return d
[docs] def get_segmentation_column(self, mct=None): """ Get the column of segmentation values from Orca. Chooser and alternative filters are applied to identify valid observations. Parameters ---------- mct : This parameter is a temporary backdoor allowing us to pass in a more complicated choice table than can be generated within the template, for example including sampling weights or interaction terms. Returns ------- pd.Series """ if mct is not None: df = mct.to_frame() else: obs = get_data(tables = self.defaults.choosers, filters = self.defaults.chooser_filters, extra_columns = [self.defaults.choice_column, self.segmentation_column]) alts = get_data(tables = self.defaults.alternatives, filters = self.defaults.alt_filters) df = pd.merge(obs, alts, how='inner', left_on=self.defaults.choice_column, right_index=True) return df[self.segmentation_column]
[docs] def build_submodels(self, mct=None): """ Create a submodel for each category of choosers identified in the segmentation column. Only categories with at least one observation remaining after applying chooser and alternative filters will be included. Running this method will overwrite any previous submodels. Parameters ---------- mct : This parameter is a temporary backdoor allowing us to pass in a more complicated choice table than can be generated within the template, for example including sampling weights or interaction terms. """ self.submodels = {} submodel = LargeMultinomialLogitStep.from_dict(self.defaults.to_dict()) col = self.get_segmentation_column(mct=mct) if (len(col) == 0): print("Warning: No valid observations after applying the chooser and "+ "alternative filters") return cats = col.astype('category').cat.categories.values print("Building submodels for {} categories: {}".format(len(cats), cats)) for cat in cats: m = copy.deepcopy(submodel) seg_filter = "{} == '{}'".format(self.segmentation_column, cat) if isinstance(m.chooser_filters, list): m.chooser_filters += [seg_filter] elif isinstance(m.chooser_filters, str): m.chooser_filters = [m.chooser_filters, seg_filter] else: m.chooser_filters = seg_filter # TO DO - same for out_chooser_filters, once we handle simulation self.submodels[cat] = m
[docs] def update_submodels(self, param, value): """ Updates a property across all the submodels. This method is bound to the `defaults` object and runs automatically when one of its properties is changed. Note that the `chooser_filters` and `alt_filters` properties cannot currently be updated this way, because they can affect the model segmentation. If you are confident the changes are valid, you can edit the submodels directly. Otherwise, you can regenerate them using updated defaults by running `build_submodels()`. Parameters ---------- param : str Property name. value : anything """ if (param in ['chooser_filters', 'alt_filters']) & (len(self.submodels) > 0): print("Warning: Changing '{}' can affect the model segmentation. Changes " + "have been saved to 'defaults' but not to the submodels. To " + "regenerate them using the new defaults, run 'build_submodels()'."\ .format(param)) return for k, m in self.submodels.items(): setattr(m, param, value)
[docs] def fit_all(self, mct=None): """ Fit all the submodels. Build the submodels first, if they don't exist yet. This method can be run as many times as desired. Parameters ---------- mct : This parameter is a temporary backdoor allowing us to pass in a more complicated choice table than can be generated within the template, for example including sampling weights or interaction terms. """ if (len(self.submodels) == 0): self.build_submodels(mct=mct) for k, m in self.submodels.items(): print(' SEGMENT: {0} = {1} '.format( self.segmentation_column, str(k)).center(70, '#')) = update_name(self.template,
[docs] def run(self): """ Convenience method (requied by template spec) that invokes `run_all()`. """ self.run_all()
[docs] def run_all(self, interaction_terms=None): """ Run all the submodels. Parameters ---------- interaction_terms : pandas.Series, pandas.DataFrame, or list of either, optional Additional column(s) of interaction terms whose values depend on the combination of observation and alternative, to be merged onto the final data table. If passed as a Series or DataFrame, it should include a two-level MultiIndex. One level's name and values should match an index or column from the observations table, and the other should match an index or column from the alternatives table. """ for k, m in self.submodels.items(): print(' SEGMENT: {0} = {1} '.format( self.segmentation_column, str(k)).center(70, '#'))