Source code for urbansim_templates.models.shared

from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime as dt

import orca
from urbansim.models import util

from ..__init__ import __version__

[docs]class TemplateStep(object): """ Shared functionality for the template classes. Parameters ---------- tables : str or list of str, optional Required to fit a model, but doesn't have to be provided at initialization. model_expression : str, optional Required to fit a model, but doesn't have to be provided at initialization. filters : str or list of str ?, optional Replaces `fit_filters` argument. out_tables : str or list of str, optional out_column : str, optional Replaces `out_fname` argument. out_transform : callable, optional Replaces `ytransform` argument. out_filters : str or list of str ?, optional Replaces `predict_filters` argument. name : str, optional For ModelManager. tags : list of str, optional For ModelManager. """ def __init__(self, tables=None, model_expression=None, filters=None, out_tables=None, out_column=None, out_transform=None, out_filters=None, name=None, tags=[]): self.tables = tables self.model_expression = model_expression self.filters = filters # TO DO - out_transform might not belong here - is it only used for OLS? self.out_tables = out_tables self.out_column = out_column self.out_transform = out_transform self.out_filters = out_filters = name self.tags = tags self.template = type(self).__name__ # class name self.template_version = __version__
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): """ Create an object instance from a saved dictionary representation. Child classes will need to override this method to implement loading of custom parameters and estimation results. Parameters ---------- d : dict Returns ------- TemplateStep """ # Pass values from the dictionary to the __init__() method return cls(d['tables'], d['model_expression'], d['filters'], d['out_tables'], d['out_column'], d['out_transform'], d['out_filters'], d['name'], d['tags'])
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Create a dictionary representation of the object. Child classes will need to override this method to implement saving of custom parameters and estimation results. Returns ------- dict """ d = { 'template': self.template, 'template_version': self.template_version, 'name':, 'tags': self.tags, 'tables': self.tables, 'model_expression': self.model_expression, 'filters': self.filters, 'out_tables': self.out_tables, 'out_column': self.out_column, 'out_transform': self.out_transform, 'out_filters': self.out_filters } return d
def _normalize_table_param(self, tables): """ Normalize table parameter input. TO DO - add more type validation """ if isinstance(tables, list): # Normalize [] to None if len(tables) == 0: return None # Normalize [str] to str if len(tables) == 1: return tables[0] return tables @property def tables(self): return self.__tables @tables.setter def tables(self, tables): self.__tables = self._normalize_table_param(tables) @property def out_tables(self): return self.__out_tables @out_tables.setter def out_tables(self, out_tables): self.__out_tables = self._normalize_table_param(out_tables) def _get_out_column(self): """ Return name of the column to save data to. This is 'out_column' if it exsits, otherwise the left-hand-side column name from the model expression. Returns ------- str """ if self.out_column is not None: return self.out_column else: # TO DO - there must be a cleaner way to get LHS column name return self.model_expression.split('~')[0].split(' ')[0] def _get_out_table(self): """ Return name of the table to save data to. This is 'out_tables' or its first element, if it exists, otherwise 'tables' or its first element. Returns ------- str """ if self.out_tables is not None: tables = self.out_tables else: tables = self.tables if isinstance(tables, str): return tables else: return tables[0] def _generate_name(self): """ THIS METHOD IS DEPRECATED, AND SHOULD BE REPLACED BY UTILS.UPDATE_NAME(). Generate a name for the class instance, based on its type and the current timestamp. But if a custom name has already been provided, return that instead. (We can't tell with certainty whether an existing name was auto-generated or customized, and it doesn't seem worth keeping track. A name is judged to be custom if it does not contain the class type.) Returns ------- str """ if ( is None) or (self.template in return self.template + '-' +'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S') else: return