Source code for urbansim.maps.dframe_explorer

from __future__ import print_function

from bottle import route, response, run, hook, static_file
from urbansim.utils import yamlio
import simplejson
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
from jinja2 import Environment

def enable_cors():
    response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
    response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = \
        'Origin, Accept, Content-Type, X-Requested-With, X-CSRF-Token'


def get_schema():
    global DFRAMES
    return {name: list(DFRAMES[name].columns) for name in DFRAMES}

@route('/map_query/<table>/<filter>/<groupby>/<field:path>/<agg>', method="GET")
def map_query(table, filter, groupby, field, agg):
    global DFRAMES

    filter = ".query('%s')" % filter if filter != "empty" else ""

    df = DFRAMES[table]

    if field not in df.columns:
        print("Col not found, trying eval:", field)
        df["eval"] = df.eval(field)
        field = "eval"

    cmd = "df%s.groupby('%s')['%s'].%s" % \
          (filter, groupby, field, agg)
    results = eval(cmd)
    results[results == np.inf] = np.nan
    results = yamlio.series_to_yaml_safe(results.dropna())
    results = {int(k): results[k] for k in results}
    return results

@route('/map_query/<table>/<filter>/<groupby>/<field>/<agg>', method="OPTIONS")
def ans_options(table=None, filter=None, groupby=None, field=None, agg=None):
    return {}

def index():
    global CONFIG
    dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    index = open(os.path.join(dir, 'dframe_explorer.html')).read()
    return Environment().from_string(index).render(CONFIG)

def data_static(filename):
    return static_file(filename, root='./data')

[docs]def start(views, center=[37.7792, -122.2191], zoom=11, shape_json='data/zones.json', geom_name='ZONE_ID', # from JSON file join_name='zone_id', # from data frames precision=8, port=8765, host='localhost', testing=False): """ Start the web service which serves the Pandas queries and generates the HTML for the map. You will need to open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8765 (or the specified port) Parameters ---------- views : Python dictionary This is the data that will be displayed in the maps. Keys are strings (table names) and values are dataframes. Each data frame should have a column with the name specified as join_name below center : a Python list with two floats The initial latitude and longitude of the center of the map zoom : int The initial zoom level of the map shape_json : str The path to the geojson file which contains that shapes that will be displayed geom_name : str The field name from the JSON file which contains the id of the geometry join_name : str The column name from the dataframes passed as views (must be in each view) which joins to geom_name in the shapes precision : int The precision of values to show in the legend on the map port : int The port for the web service to respond on host : str The hostname to run the web service from testing : bool Whether to print extra debug information Returns ------- Does not return - takes over control of the thread and responds to queries from a web browser """ global DFRAMES, CONFIG DFRAMES = {str(k): views[k] for k in views} root = "http://{}:{}/".format(host, port) config = { 'center': str(center), 'zoom': zoom, 'shape_json': shape_json, 'geom_name': geom_name, 'join_name': join_name, 'precision': precision, 'root': root } for k in views: if join_name not in views[k].columns: raise Exception("Join name must be present on all dataframes - " "'%s' not present on '%s'" % (join_name, k)) config['schema'] = simplejson.dumps(get_schema()) CONFIG = config if testing: return run(host=host, port=port, debug=True)