Source code for urbansim.models.regression

Use the ``RegressionModel`` class to fit a model using statsmodels'
OLS capability and then do subsequent prediction.

from __future__ import print_function

import logging

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
from patsy import dmatrix
from prettytable import PrettyTable
import toolz as tz

from . import util
from ..exceptions import ModelEvaluationError
from ..utils import yamlio
from ..utils.logutil import log_start_finish

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def fit_model(df, filters, model_expression): """ Use statsmodels OLS to construct a model relation. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Data to use for fit. Should contain all the columns referenced in the `model_expression`. filters : list of str Any filters to apply before doing the model fit. model_expression : str A patsy model expression that can be used with statsmodels. Should contain both the left- and right-hand sides. Returns ------- fit : statsmodels.regression.linear_model.OLSResults """ df = util.apply_filter_query(df, filters) model = smf.ols(formula=model_expression, data=df) if len(model.exog) != len(df): raise ModelEvaluationError( 'Estimated data does not have the same length as input. ' 'This suggests there are null values in one or more of ' 'the input columns.') with log_start_finish('statsmodels OLS fit', logger): return
[docs]def predict(df, filters, model_fit, ytransform=None): """ Apply model to new data to predict new dependent values. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame filters : list of str Any filters to apply before doing prediction. model_fit : statsmodels.regression.linear_model.OLSResults Result of model estimation. ytransform : callable, optional A function to call on the array of predicted output. For example, if the model relation is predicting the log of price, you might pass ``ytransform=np.exp`` so that the results reflect actual price. By default no transformation is applied. Returns ------- result : pandas.Series Predicted values as a pandas Series. Will have the index of `df` after applying filters. """ df = util.apply_filter_query(df, filters) with log_start_finish('statsmodels predict', logger): sim_data = model_fit.predict(df) if len(sim_data) != len(df): raise ModelEvaluationError( 'Predicted data does not have the same length as input. ' 'This suggests there are null values in one or more of ' 'the input columns.') if ytransform: sim_data = ytransform(sim_data) return pd.Series(sim_data, index=df.index)
def _rhs(model_expression): """ Get only the right-hand side of a patsy model expression. Parameters ---------- model_expression : str Returns ------- rhs : str """ if '~' not in model_expression: return model_expression else: return model_expression.split('~')[1].strip() class _FakeRegressionResults(object): """ This can be used in place of a statsmodels RegressionResults for limited purposes when it comes to model prediction. Intended for use when loading a model from a YAML representation; we can do model evaluation using the stored coefficients, but can't recreate the original statsmodels fit result. Parameters ---------- model_expression : str A patsy model expression that can be used with statsmodels. Should contain both the left- and right-hand sides. fit_parameters : pandas.DataFrame Stats results from fitting `model_expression` to data. Should include columns 'Coefficient', 'Std. Error', and 'T-Score'. rsquared : float rsquared_adj : float """ def __init__(self, model_expression, fit_parameters, rsquared, rsquared_adj): self.model_expression = model_expression self.params = fit_parameters['Coefficient'] self.bse = fit_parameters['Std. Error'] self.tvalues = fit_parameters['T-Score'] self.rsquared = rsquared self.rsquared_adj = rsquared_adj @property def _rhs(self): """ Get only the right-hand side of `model_expression`. """ return _rhs(self.model_expression) def predict(self, data): """ Predict new values by running data through the fit model. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame Table with columns corresponding to the RHS of `model_expression`. Returns ------- predicted : ndarray Array of predicted values. """ with log_start_finish('_FakeRegressionResults prediction', logger): model_design = dmatrix( self._rhs, data=data, return_type='dataframe') return def _model_fit_to_table(fit): """ Produce a pandas DataFrame of model fit results from a statsmodels fit result object. Parameters ---------- fit : statsmodels.regression.linear_model.RegressionResults Returns ------- fit_parameters : pandas.DataFrame Will have columns 'Coefficient', 'Std. Error', and 'T-Score'. Index will be model terms. This frame will also have non-standard attributes .rsquared and .rsquared_adj with the same meaning and value as on `fit`. """ fit_parameters = pd.DataFrame( {'Coefficient': fit.params, 'Std. Error': fit.bse, 'T-Score': fit.tvalues}) fit_parameters.rsquared = fit.rsquared fit_parameters.rsquared_adj = fit.rsquared_adj return fit_parameters YTRANSFORM_MAPPING = { None: None, np.exp: 'np.exp', 'np.exp': np.exp, np.log: 'np.log', 'np.log': np.log, np.log1p: 'np.log1p', 'np.log1p': np.log1p, np.expm1: 'np.expm1', 'np.expm1': np.expm1 }
[docs]class RegressionModel(object): """ A hedonic (regression) model with the ability to store an estimated model and predict new data based on the model. statsmodels' OLS implementation is used. Parameters ---------- fit_filters : list of str Filters applied before fitting the model. predict_filters : list of str Filters applied before calculating new data points. model_expression : str or dict A patsy model expression that can be used with statsmodels. Should contain both the left- and right-hand sides. ytransform : callable, optional A function to call on the array of predicted output. For example, if the model relation is predicting the log of price, you might pass ``ytransform=np.exp`` so that the results reflect actual price. By default no transformation is applied. name : optional Optional descriptive name for this model that may be used in output. """ def __init__(self, fit_filters, predict_filters, model_expression, ytransform=None, name=None): self.fit_filters = fit_filters self.predict_filters = predict_filters self.model_expression = model_expression self.ytransform = ytransform = name or 'RegressionModel' self.model_fit = None self.fit_parameters = None self.est_data = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, yaml_str=None, str_or_buffer=None): """ Create a RegressionModel instance from a saved YAML configuration. Arguments are mutually exclusive. Parameters ---------- yaml_str : str, optional A YAML string from which to load model. str_or_buffer : str or file like, optional File name or buffer from which to load YAML. Returns ------- RegressionModel """ cfg = yamlio.yaml_to_dict(yaml_str, str_or_buffer) model = cls( cfg['fit_filters'], cfg['predict_filters'], cfg['model_expression'], YTRANSFORM_MAPPING[cfg['ytransform']], cfg['name']) if 'fitted' in cfg and cfg['fitted']: fit_parameters = pd.DataFrame(cfg['fit_parameters']) fit_parameters.rsquared = cfg['fit_rsquared'] fit_parameters.rsquared_adj = cfg['fit_rsquared_adj'] model.model_fit = _FakeRegressionResults( model.str_model_expression, fit_parameters, cfg['fit_rsquared'], cfg['fit_rsquared_adj']) model.fit_parameters = fit_parameters logger.debug('loaded regression model {} from YAML'.format( return model
@property def str_model_expression(self): """ Model expression as a string suitable for use with patsy/statsmodels. """ return util.str_model_expression( self.model_expression, add_constant=True)
[docs] def fit(self, data, debug=False): """ Fit the model to data and store/return the results. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame Data to use for fitting the model. Must contain all the columns referenced by the `model_expression`. debug : bool If debug is set to true, this sets the attribute "est_data" to a dataframe with the actual data used for estimation of this model. Returns ------- fit : statsmodels.regression.linear_model.OLSResults This is returned for inspection, but also stored on the class instance for use during prediction. """ with log_start_finish('fitting model {}'.format(, logger): fit = fit_model(data, self.fit_filters, self.str_model_expression) self.model_fit = fit self.fit_parameters = _model_fit_to_table(fit) if debug: index = util.apply_filter_query(data, self.fit_filters).index assert len(fit.model.exog) == len(index), ( "The estimate data is unequal in length to the original " "dataframe, usually caused by nans") df = pd.DataFrame( fit.model.exog, columns=fit.model.exog_names, index=index) df[fit.model.endog_names] = fit.model.endog df["fittedvalues"] = fit.fittedvalues df["residuals"] = fit.resid self.est_data = df return fit
@property def fitted(self): """ True if the model is ready for prediction. """ return self.model_fit is not None
[docs] def assert_fitted(self): """ Raises a RuntimeError if the model is not ready for prediction. """ if not self.fitted: raise RuntimeError('Model has not been fit.')
[docs] def report_fit(self): """ Print a report of the fit results. """ if not self.fitted: print('Model not yet fit.') return print('R-Squared: {0:.3f}'.format(self.model_fit.rsquared)) print('Adj. R-Squared: {0:.3f}'.format(self.model_fit.rsquared_adj)) print('') tbl = PrettyTable( ['Component', ]) tbl = PrettyTable() tbl.add_column('Component', self.fit_parameters.index.values) for col in ('Coefficient', 'Std. Error', 'T-Score'): tbl.add_column(col, self.fit_parameters[col].values) tbl.align['Component'] = 'l' tbl.float_format = '.3' print(tbl)
[docs] def predict(self, data): """ Predict a new data set based on an estimated model. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame Data to use for prediction. Must contain all the columns referenced by the right-hand side of the `model_expression`. Returns ------- result : pandas.Series Predicted values as a pandas Series. Will have the index of `data` after applying filters. """ self.assert_fitted() with log_start_finish('predicting model {}'.format(, logger): return predict( data, self.predict_filters, self.model_fit, self.ytransform)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Returns a dictionary representation of a RegressionModel instance. """ d = { 'model_type': 'regression', 'name':, 'fit_filters': self.fit_filters, 'predict_filters': self.predict_filters, 'model_expression': self.model_expression, 'ytransform': YTRANSFORM_MAPPING[self.ytransform], 'fitted': self.fitted, 'fit_parameters': None, 'fit_rsquared': None, 'fit_rsquared_adj': None } if self.fitted: d['fit_parameters'] = yamlio.frame_to_yaml_safe( self.fit_parameters) d['fit_rsquared'] = float(self.model_fit.rsquared) d['fit_rsquared_adj'] = float(self.model_fit.rsquared_adj) return d
[docs] def to_yaml(self, str_or_buffer=None): """ Save a model respresentation to YAML. Parameters ---------- str_or_buffer : str or file like, optional By default a YAML string is returned. If a string is given here the YAML will be written to that file. If an object with a ``.write`` method is given the YAML will be written to that object. Returns ------- j : str YAML string if `str_or_buffer` is not given. """ logger.debug( 'serializing regression model {} to YAML'.format( return yamlio.convert_to_yaml(self.to_dict(), str_or_buffer)
[docs] def columns_used(self): """ Returns all the columns used in this model for filtering and in the model expression. """ return list(tz.unique(tz.concatv( util.columns_in_filters(self.fit_filters), util.columns_in_filters(self.predict_filters), util.columns_in_formula(self.model_expression))))
[docs] @classmethod def fit_from_cfg(cls, df, cfgname, debug=False, outcfgname=None): """ Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame The dataframe which contains the columns to use for the estimation. cfgname : string The name of the yaml config file which describes the hedonic model. debug : boolean, optional (default False) Whether to generate debug information on the model. outcfgname : string, optional (default cfgname) The name of the output yaml config file where estimation results are written into. Returns ------- RegressionModel which was used to fit """ logger.debug('start: fit from configuration {}'.format(cfgname)) hm = cls.from_yaml(str_or_buffer=cfgname) ret =, debug=debug) print(ret.summary()) outcfgname = outcfgname or cfgname hm.to_yaml(str_or_buffer=outcfgname) logger.debug('finish: fit into configuration {}'.format(outcfgname)) return hm
[docs] @classmethod def predict_from_cfg(cls, df, cfgname): """ Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame The dataframe which contains the columns to use for the estimation. cfgname : string The name of the yaml config file which describes the hedonic model. Returns ------- predicted : pandas.Series Predicted data in a pandas Series. Will have the index of `data` after applying filters and minus any groups that do not have models. hm : RegressionModel which was used to predict """ logger.debug('start: predict from configuration {}'.format(cfgname)) hm = cls.from_yaml(str_or_buffer=cfgname) price_or_rent = hm.predict(df) print(price_or_rent.describe()) logger.debug('start: predict from configuration {}'.format(cfgname)) return price_or_rent, hm
[docs]class RegressionModelGroup(object): """ Manages a group of regression models that refer to different segments within a single table. Model names must match the segment names after doing a Pandas groupby. Parameters ---------- segmentation_col Name of the column on which to segment. name Optional name used to identify the model in places. """ def __init__(self, segmentation_col, name=None): self.segmentation_col = segmentation_col = name if name is not None else 'RegressionModelGroup' self.models = {}
[docs] def add_model(self, model): """ Add a `RegressionModel` instance. Parameters ---------- model : `RegressionModel` Should have a ``.name`` attribute matching one of the groupby segments. """ logger.debug( 'adding model {} to group {}'.format(, self.models[] = model
[docs] def add_model_from_params(self, name, fit_filters, predict_filters, model_expression, ytransform=None): """ Add a model by passing arguments through to `RegressionModel`. Parameters ---------- name : any Must match a groupby segment name. fit_filters : list of str Filters applied before fitting the model. predict_filters : list of str Filters applied before calculating new data points. model_expression : str A patsy model expression that can be used with statsmodels. Should contain both the left- and right-hand sides. ytransform : callable, optional A function to call on the array of predicted output. For example, if the model relation is predicting the log of price, you might pass ``ytransform=np.exp`` so that the results reflect actual price. By default no transformation is applied. """ logger.debug( 'adding model {} to group {}'.format(name, model = RegressionModel( fit_filters, predict_filters, model_expression, ytransform, name) self.models[name] = model
def _iter_groups(self, data): """ Iterate over the groups in `data` after grouping by `segmentation_col`. Skips any groups for which there is no model stored. Yields tuples of (name, df) where name is the group key and df is the group DataFrame. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame Must have a column with the same name as `segmentation_col`. """ groups = data.groupby(self.segmentation_col) for name in self.models: yield name, groups.get_group(name)
[docs] def fit(self, data, debug=False): """ Fit each of the models in the group. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame Must have a column with the same name as `segmentation_col`. debug : bool If set to true (default false) will pass the debug parameter to model estimation. Returns ------- fits : dict of statsmodels.regression.linear_model.OLSResults Keys are the segment names. """ with log_start_finish( 'fitting models in group {}'.format(, logger): return {name: self.models[name].fit(df, debug=debug) for name, df in self._iter_groups(data)}
@property def fitted(self): """ Whether all models in the group have been fitted. """ return (all(m.fitted for m in self.models.values()) if self.models else False)
[docs] def predict(self, data): """ Predict new data for each group in the segmentation. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame Data to use for prediction. Must have a column with the same name as `segmentation_col`. Returns ------- predicted : pandas.Series Predicted data in a pandas Series. Will have the index of `data` after applying filters and minus any groups that do not have models. """ with log_start_finish( 'predicting models in group {}'.format(, logger): results = [self.models[name].predict(df) for name, df in self._iter_groups(data)] return pd.concat(results)
[docs] def columns_used(self): """ Returns all the columns used across all models in the group for filtering and in the model expression. """ return list(tz.unique(tz.concat( m.columns_used() for m in self.models.values())))
[docs]class SegmentedRegressionModel(object): """ A regression model group that allows segments to have different model expressions and ytransforms but all have the same filters. Parameters ---------- segmentation_col Name of column in the data table on which to segment. Will be used with a pandas groupby on the data table. fit_filters : list of str, optional Filters applied before fitting the model. predict_filters : list of str, optional Filters applied before calculating new data points. min_segment_size : int This model will add all segments that have at least this number of observations. A very small number of observations (e.g. 1) will cause an error with estimation. default_model_expr : str or dict, optional A patsy model expression that can be used with statsmodels. Should contain both the left- and right-hand sides. default_ytransform : callable, optional A function to call on the array of predicted output. For example, if the model relation is predicting the log of price, you might pass ``ytransform=np.exp`` so that the results reflect actual price. By default no transformation is applied. min_segment_size : int, optional Segments with less than this many members will be skipped. name : str, optional A name used in places to identify the model. """ def __init__( self, segmentation_col, fit_filters=None, predict_filters=None, default_model_expr=None, default_ytransform=None, min_segment_size=0, name=None): self.segmentation_col = segmentation_col self._group = RegressionModelGroup(segmentation_col) self.fit_filters = fit_filters self.predict_filters = predict_filters self.default_model_expr = default_model_expr self.default_ytransform = default_ytransform self.min_segment_size = min_segment_size = name if name is not None else 'SegmentedRegressionModel'
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, yaml_str=None, str_or_buffer=None): """ Create a SegmentedRegressionModel instance from a saved YAML configuration. Arguments are mutally exclusive. Parameters ---------- yaml_str : str, optional A YAML string from which to load model. str_or_buffer : str or file like, optional File name or buffer from which to load YAML. Returns ------- SegmentedRegressionModel """ cfg = yamlio.yaml_to_dict(yaml_str, str_or_buffer) default_model_expr = cfg['default_config']['model_expression'] default_ytransform = cfg['default_config']['ytransform'] seg = cls( cfg['segmentation_col'], cfg['fit_filters'], cfg['predict_filters'], default_model_expr, YTRANSFORM_MAPPING[default_ytransform], cfg['min_segment_size'], cfg['name']) if "models" not in cfg: cfg["models"] = {} for name, m in cfg['models'].items(): m['model_expression'] = m.get( 'model_expression', default_model_expr) m['ytransform'] = m.get('ytransform', default_ytransform) m['fit_filters'] = None m['predict_filters'] = None reg = RegressionModel.from_yaml(yamlio.convert_to_yaml(m, None)) seg._group.add_model(reg) logger.debug( 'loaded segmented regression model {} from yaml'.format( return seg
[docs] def add_segment(self, name, model_expression=None, ytransform='default'): """ Add a new segment with its own model expression and ytransform. Parameters ---------- name : Segment name. Must match a segment in the groupby of the data. model_expression : str or dict, optional A patsy model expression that can be used with statsmodels. Should contain both the left- and right-hand sides. If not given the default model will be used, which must not be None. ytransform : callable, optional A function to call on the array of predicted output. For example, if the model relation is predicting the log of price, you might pass ``ytransform=np.exp`` so that the results reflect actual price. If not given the default ytransform will be used. """ if not model_expression: if self.default_model_expr is None: raise ValueError( 'No default model available, ' 'you must supply a model experssion.') model_expression = self.default_model_expr if ytransform == 'default': ytransform = self.default_ytransform # no fit or predict filters, we'll take care of that this side. self._group.add_model_from_params( name, None, None, model_expression, ytransform) logger.debug('added segment {} to model {}'.format(name,
[docs] def fit(self, data, debug=False): """ Fit each segment. Segments that have not already been explicitly added will be automatically added with default model and ytransform. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame Must have a column with the same name as `segmentation_col`. debug : bool If set to true will pass debug to the fit method of each model. Returns ------- fits : dict of statsmodels.regression.linear_model.OLSResults Keys are the segment names. """ data = util.apply_filter_query(data, self.fit_filters) unique = data[self.segmentation_col].unique() value_counts = data[self.segmentation_col].value_counts() # Remove any existing segments that may no longer have counterparts # in the data. This can happen when loading a saved model and then # calling this method with data that no longer has segments that # were there the last time this was called. gone = set(self._group.models) - set(unique) for g in gone: del self._group.models[g] for x in unique: if x not in self._group.models and \ value_counts[x] > self.min_segment_size: self.add_segment(x) with log_start_finish( 'fitting models in segmented model {}'.format(, logger): return, debug=debug)
@property def fitted(self): """ Whether models for all segments have been fit. """ return self._group.fitted
[docs] def predict(self, data): """ Predict new data for each group in the segmentation. Parameters ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame Data to use for prediction. Must have a column with the same name as `segmentation_col`. Returns ------- predicted : pandas.Series Predicted data in a pandas Series. Will have the index of `data` after applying filters. """ with log_start_finish( 'predicting models in segmented model {}'.format(, logger): data = util.apply_filter_query(data, self.predict_filters) return self._group.predict(data)
def _process_model_dict(self, d): """ Remove redundant items from a model's configuration dict. Parameters ---------- d : dict Modified in place. Returns ------- dict Modified `d`. """ del d['model_type'] del d['fit_filters'] del d['predict_filters'] if d['model_expression'] == self.default_model_expr: del d['model_expression'] if YTRANSFORM_MAPPING[d['ytransform']] == self.default_ytransform: del d['ytransform'] d["name"] = yamlio.to_scalar_safe(d["name"]) return d
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Returns a dict representation of this instance suitable for conversion to YAML. """ return { 'model_type': 'segmented_regression', 'name':, 'segmentation_col': self.segmentation_col, 'fit_filters': self.fit_filters, 'predict_filters': self.predict_filters, 'min_segment_size': self.min_segment_size, 'default_config': { 'model_expression': self.default_model_expr, 'ytransform': YTRANSFORM_MAPPING[self.default_ytransform] }, 'fitted': self.fitted, 'models': { yamlio.to_scalar_safe(name): self._process_model_dict(m.to_dict()) for name, m in self._group.models.items()} }
[docs] def to_yaml(self, str_or_buffer=None): """ Save a model respresentation to YAML. Parameters ---------- str_or_buffer : str or file like, optional By default a YAML string is returned. If a string is given here the YAML will be written to that file. If an object with a ``.write`` method is given the YAML will be written to that object. Returns ------- j : str YAML string if `str_or_buffer` is not given. """ logger.debug( 'serializing segmented regression model {} to yaml'.format( return yamlio.convert_to_yaml(self.to_dict(), str_or_buffer)
[docs] def columns_used(self): """ Returns all the columns used across all models in the group for filtering and in the model expression. """ return list(tz.unique(tz.concatv( util.columns_in_filters(self.fit_filters), util.columns_in_filters(self.predict_filters), util.columns_in_formula(self.default_model_expr), self._group.columns_used(), [self.segmentation_col])))
[docs] @classmethod def fit_from_cfg(cls, df, cfgname, debug=False, min_segment_size=None, outcfgname=None): """ Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame The dataframe which contains the columns to use for the estimation. cfgname : string The name of the yaml config file which describes the hedonic model. debug : boolean, optional (default False) Whether to generate debug information on the model. min_segment_size : int, optional Set attribute on the model. outcfgname : string, optional (default cfgname) The name of the output yaml config file where estimation results are written into. Returns ------- hm : SegmentedRegressionModel which was used to fit """ logger.debug('start: fit from configuration {}'.format(cfgname)) hm = cls.from_yaml(str_or_buffer=cfgname) if min_segment_size: hm.min_segment_size = min_segment_size for k, v in, debug=debug).items(): print("REGRESSION RESULTS FOR SEGMENT %s\n" % str(k)) print(v.summary()) outcfgname = outcfgname or cfgname hm.to_yaml(str_or_buffer=outcfgname) logger.debug('finish: fit into configuration {}'.format(outcfgname)) return hm
[docs] @classmethod def predict_from_cfg(cls, df, cfgname, min_segment_size=None): """ Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame The dataframe which contains the columns to use for the estimation. cfgname : string The name of the yaml config file which describes the hedonic model. min_segment_size : int, optional Set attribute on the model. Returns ------- predicted : pandas.Series Predicted data in a pandas Series. Will have the index of `data` after applying filters and minus any groups that do not have models. hm : SegmentedRegressionModel which was used to predict """ logger.debug('start: predict from configuration {}'.format(cfgname)) hm = cls.from_yaml(str_or_buffer=cfgname) if min_segment_size: hm.min_segment_size = min_segment_size price_or_rent = hm.predict(df) print(price_or_rent.describe()) logger.debug('finish: predict from configuration {}'.format(cfgname)) return price_or_rent, hm