Source code for urbansim.models.util

Utilities used within the ``urbansim.models`` package.

import collections
import logging
import numbers
    from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO
from tokenize import generate_tokens, NAME

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import patsy
import toolz as tz

from ..utils.logutil import log_start_finish

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def apply_filter_query(df, filters=None): """ Use the DataFrame.query method to filter a table down to the desired rows. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame filters : list of str or str, optional List of filters to apply. Will be joined together with ' and ' and passed to DataFrame.query. A string will be passed straight to DataFrame.query. If not supplied no filtering will be done. Returns ------- filtered_df : pandas.DataFrame """ with log_start_finish('apply filter query: {!r}'.format(filters), logger): if filters: if isinstance(filters, str): query = filters else: query = ' and '.join(filters) return df.query(query) else: return df
def _filterize(name, value): """ Turn a `name` and `value` into a string expression compatible the ``DataFrame.query`` method. Parameters ---------- name : str Should be the name of a column in the table to which the filter will be applied. A suffix of '_max' will result in a "less than" filter, a suffix of '_min' will result in a "greater than or equal to" filter, and no recognized suffix will result in an "equal to" filter. value : any Value side of filter for comparison to column values. Returns ------- filter_exp : str """ if name.endswith('_min'): name = name[:-4] comp = '>=' elif name.endswith('_max'): name = name[:-4] comp = '<' else: comp = '==' result = '{} {} {!r}'.format(name, comp, value) logger.debug( 'converted name={} and value={} to filter {}'.format( name, value, result)) return result
[docs]def filter_table(table, filter_series, ignore=None): """ Filter a table based on a set of restrictions given in Series of column name / filter parameter pairs. The column names can have suffixes `_min` and `_max` to indicate "less than" and "greater than" constraints. Parameters ---------- table : pandas.DataFrame Table to filter. filter_series : pandas.Series Series of column name / value pairs of filter constraints. Columns that ends with '_max' will be used to create a "less than" filters, columns that end with '_min' will be used to create "greater than or equal to" filters. A column with no suffix will be used to make an 'equal to' filter. ignore : sequence of str, optional List of column names that should not be used for filtering. Returns ------- filtered : pandas.DataFrame """ with log_start_finish('filter table', logger): ignore = ignore if ignore else set() filters = [_filterize(name, val) for name, val in filter_series.iteritems() if not (name in ignore or (isinstance(val, numbers.Number) and np.isnan(val)))] return apply_filter_query(table, filters)
[docs]def concat_indexes(indexes): """ Concatenate a sequence of pandas Indexes. Parameters ---------- indexes : sequence of pandas.Index Returns ------- pandas.Index """ return pd.Index(np.concatenate(indexes))
[docs]def has_constant_expr(expr): """ Report whether a model expression has constant specific term. That is, a term explicitly specying whether the model should or should not include a constant. (e.g. '+ 1' or '- 1'.) Parameters ---------- expr : str Model expression to check. Returns ------- has_constant : bool """ def has_constant(node): if node.type == 'ONE': return True for n in node.args: if has_constant(n): return True return False return has_constant(patsy.parse_formula.parse_formula(expr))
[docs]def str_model_expression(expr, add_constant=True): """ We support specifying model expressions as strings, lists, or dicts; but for use with patsy and statsmodels we need a string. This function will take any of those as input and return a string. Parameters ---------- expr : str, iterable, or dict A string will be returned unmodified except to add or remove a constant. An iterable sequence will be joined together with ' + '. A dictionary should have ``right_side`` and, optionally, ``left_side`` keys. The ``right_side`` can be a list or a string and will be handled as above. If ``left_side`` is present it will be joined with ``right_side`` with ' ~ '. add_constant : bool, optional Whether to add a ' + 1' (if True) or ' - 1' (if False) to the model. If the expression already has a '+ 1' or '- 1' this option will be ignored. Returns ------- model_expression : str A string model expression suitable for use with statsmodels and patsy. """ if not isinstance(expr, str): if isinstance(expr, collections.Mapping): left_side = expr.get('left_side') right_side = str_model_expression(expr['right_side'], add_constant) else: # some kind of iterable like a list left_side = None right_side = ' + '.join(expr) if left_side: model_expression = ' ~ '.join((left_side, right_side)) else: model_expression = right_side else: model_expression = expr if not has_constant_expr(model_expression): if add_constant: model_expression += ' + 1' else: model_expression += ' - 1' logger.debug( 'converted expression: {!r} to model: {!r}'.format( expr, model_expression)) return model_expression
[docs]def sorted_groupby(df, groupby): """ Perform a groupby on a DataFrame using a specific column and assuming that that column is sorted. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame groupby : object Column name on which to groupby. This column must be sorted. Returns ------- generator Yields pairs of group_name, DataFrame. """ start = 0 prev = df[groupby].iloc[start] for i, x in enumerate(df[groupby]): if x != prev: yield prev, df.iloc[start:i] prev = x start = i # need to send back the last group yield prev, df.iloc[start:]
[docs]def columns_in_filters(filters): """ Returns a list of the columns used in a set of query filters. Parameters ---------- filters : list of str or str List of the filters as passed passed to ``apply_filter_query``. Returns ------- columns : list of str List of all the strings mentioned in the filters. """ if not filters: return [] if not isinstance(filters, str): filters = ' '.join(filters) columns = [] reserved = {'and', 'or', 'in', 'not'} for toknum, tokval, _, _, _ in generate_tokens(StringIO(filters).readline): if toknum == NAME and tokval not in reserved: columns.append(tokval) return list(tz.unique(columns))
def _tokens_from_patsy(node): """ Yields all the individual tokens from within a patsy formula as parsed by patsy.parse_formula.parse_formula. Parameters ---------- node : patsy.parse_formula.ParseNode """ for n in node.args: for t in _tokens_from_patsy(n): yield t if node.token: yield node.token
[docs]def columns_in_formula(formula): """ Returns the names of all the columns used in a patsy formula. Parameters ---------- formula : str, iterable, or dict Any formula construction supported by ``str_model_expression``. Returns ------- columns : list of str """ if formula is None: return [] formula = str_model_expression(formula, add_constant=False) columns = [] tokens = map( lambda x: x.extra, tz.remove( lambda x: x.extra is None, _tokens_from_patsy(patsy.parse_formula.parse_formula(formula)))) for tok in tokens: # if there are parentheses in the expression we # want to drop them and everything outside # and start again from the top if '(' in tok: start = tok.find('(') + 1 fin = tok.rfind(')') columns.extend(columns_in_formula(tok[start:fin])) else: for toknum, tokval, _, _, _ in generate_tokens( StringIO(tok).readline): if toknum == NAME: columns.append(tokval) return list(tz.unique(columns))