
UrbanAccess relies on a number of libraries in the scientific Python stack which can be easily installed using the Anaconda python distribution which can be downloaded here.


  • requests >= 2.9.1

  • six >= 1.11

  • pandas >= 0.17.0

  • numpy >= 1.11

  • osmnet >= 0.1.4

  • pandana >= 0.2.0

  • matplotlib >= 2.0

  • geopy >= 1.11.0

  • pyyaml >= 3.11

  • scikit-learn >= 0.17.1

Install the latest release


UrbanAccess is available on Conda Forge and can be installed with:

conda install urbanaccess -c conda-forge

If you’d like to permanently add conda-forge as a backup channel in your Conda figuration, you can do it like this:

conda config --append channels conda-forge


UrbanAccess is available on PyPI and can be installed with:

pip install urbanaccess

Development Installation

Developers contributing code can install using the develop command rather than install. Make sure you are using the latest version of the codebase by using git’s git pull inside the cloned repository.

To install UrbanAccess follow these steps:

  1. Git clone the UrbanAccess repo

  2. in the cloned directory run: python develop

To update to the latest development version:

Use git pull inside the cloned repository