Network API


class, node_y, edge_from, edge_to, edge_weights, twoway=True)

Create the transportation network in the city. Typical data would be distance based from OpenStreetMap or travel time from GTFS transit data.

node_xpandas.Series, float

Defines the x attribute for nodes in the network (e.g. longitude)

node_ypandas.Series, float

Defines the y attribute for nodes in the network (e.g. latitude) This param and the one above should have the same index which should be the node_ids that are referred to in the edges below.

edge_frompandas.Series, int

Defines the node ID that begins an edge - should refer to the index of the two series objects above

edge_topandas.Series, int

Defines the node ID that ends an edge - should refer to the index of the two series objects above

edge_weightspandas.DataFrame, all numerics

Specifies one or more impedances on the network which define the distances between nodes. Multiple impedances can be used to capture travel times at different times of day, for instance

twowayboolean, optional

Whether the edges in this network are two way edges or one way ( where the one direction is directed from the from node to the to node). If twoway = True, it is assumed that the from and to ID in the edge table occurs once and that travel can occur in both directions on the single edge record. Pandana will internally flip and append the from and to IDs to the original edges to create a two direction network. If twoway = False, it is assumed that travel can only occur in the explicit direction indicated by the from and to ID in the edge table.

aggregate(distance, type='sum', decay='linear', imp_name=None, name='tmp')

Aggregate information for every source node in the network - this is really the main purpose of this library. This allows you to touch the data specified by calling set and perform some aggregation on it within the specified distance. For instance, summing the population within 1000 meters.


The maximum distance to aggregate data within. ‘distance’ can represent any impedance unit that you have set as your edge weight. This will usually be a distance unit in meters however if you have customized the impedance this could be in other units such as utility or time etc.

typestring, optional (default ‘sum’)

The type of aggregation: ‘mean’ (with ‘ave’, ‘avg’, ‘average’ as aliases), ‘std’ (or ‘stddev’), ‘sum’, ‘count’, ‘min’, ‘max’, ‘med’ (or ‘median’), ‘25pct’, or ‘75pct’. (Quantiles are computed by sorting so may be slower than the others.)

decaystring, optional (default ‘linear’)

The type of decay to apply, which makes things that are further away count less in the aggregation: ‘linear’, ‘exponential’, or ‘flat’ (no decay).

Additional notes: see aggregateAccessibilityVariable in accessibility.cpp to read through the code that applies decays. The exponential decay function is exp(-1*distance/radius)*var. The decay setting only operates on ‘sum’ and ‘mean’ aggregations. If you apply decay to a ‘mean’, the result will NOT be a weighted average; it will be the mean of the post-decay values. (So for a ‘mean’ aggregation, you need to explicitly set decay to ‘flat’ unless you want that.)

imp_namestring, optional

The impedance name to use for the aggregation on this network. Must be one of the impedance names passed in the constructor of this object. If not specified, there must be only one impedance passed in the constructor, which will be used.

namestring, optional

The variable to aggregate. This variable will have been created and named by a call to set. If not specified, the default variable name will be used so that the most recent call to set without giving a name will be the variable used.


Returns a Pandas Series for every origin node in the network, with the index which is the same as the node_ids passed to the init method and the values are the aggregations for each source node in the network.

property bbox

The bounding box for nodes in this network [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]

classmethod from_hdf5(filename)

Load a previously saved Network from a Pandas HDF5 file.

get_node_ids(x_col, y_col, mapping_distance=None)

Assign node_ids to data specified by x_col and y_col.

x_colpandas.Series (float)

A Pandas Series where values specify the x (e.g. longitude) location of dataset.

y_colpandas.Series (float)

A Pandas Series where values specify the y (e.g. latitude) location of dataset. x_col and y_col should use the same index.

mapping_distancefloat, optional

The maximum distance that will be considered a match between the x, y data and the nearest node in the network. This will usually be a distance unit in meters however if you have customized the impedance this could be in other units such as utility or time etc. If not specified, every x, y coordinate will be mapped to the nearest node.

node_idspandas.Series (int)

Returns a Pandas Series of node_ids for each x, y in the input data. The index is the same as the indexes of the x, y input data, and the values are the mapped node_ids. If mapping distance is not passed and if there are no nans in the x, y data, this will be the same length as the x, y data. If the mapping is imperfect, this function returns all the input x, y’s that were successfully mapped to node_ids.

init_pois(num_categories, max_dist, max_pois)

Initialize the point of interest (POI) infrastructure. This is no longer needed in Pandana 0.4+ and will be removed in a future version.


Number of categories of POIs


Maximum distance that will be tested to nearest POIs. This will usually be a distance unit in meters however if you have customized the impedance this could be in other units such as utility or time etc.


Maximum number of POIs to return in the nearest query

low_connectivity_nodes(impedance, count, imp_name=None)

Identify nodes that are connected to fewer than some threshold of other nodes within a given distance.


Distance within which to search for other connected nodes. This will usually be a distance unit in meters however if you have customized the impedance this could be in other units such as utility or time etc.


Threshold for connectivity. If a node is connected to fewer than this many nodes within impedance it will be identified as “low connectivity”.

imp_namestring, optional

The impedance name to use for the aggregation on this network. Must be one of the impedance names passed in the constructor of this object. If not specified, there must be only one impedance passed in the constructor, which will be used.


List of “low connectivity” node IDs.

nearest_pois(distance, category, num_pois=1, max_distance=None, imp_name=None, include_poi_ids=False)

Find the distance to the nearest points of interest (POI)s from each source node. The bigger values in this case mean less accessibility.


The maximum distance to look for POIs. This will usually be a distance unit in meters however if you have customized the impedance this could be in other units such as utility or time etc.


The name of the category of POI to look for


The number of POIs to look for, this also sets the number of columns in the DataFrame that gets returned

max_distancefloat, optional

The value to set the distance to if there is no POI within the specified distance - if not specified, gets set to distance. This will usually be a distance unit in meters however if you have customized the impedance this could be in other units such as utility or time etc.

imp_namestring, optional

The impedance name to use for the aggregation on this network. Must be one of the impedance names passed in the constructor of this object. If not specified, there must be only one impedance passed in the constructor, which will be used.

include_poi_idsbool, optional

If this flag is set to true, the call will add columns to the return DataFrame - instead of just returning the distance for the nth POI, it will also return the id of that POI. The names of the columns with the POI IDs will be poi1, poi2, etc - it will take roughly twice as long to include these IDs as to not include them


Like aggregate, this series has an index of all the node ids for the network. Unlike aggregate, this method returns a dataframe with the number of columns equal to the distances to the Nth closest POI. For instance, if you ask for the 10 closest poi to each node, column d[1] wil be the distance to the 1st closest POI of that category while column d[2] will be the distance to the 2nd closest POI, and so on.

property node_ids

The node IDs which will be used as the index of many return series

nodes_in_range(nodes, radius, imp_name=None)

Computes the range queries (the reachable nodes within this maximum distance) for each input node.

nodeslist-like of ints

Source node IDs


Maximum distance to use. This will usually be a distance unit in meters however if you have customized the impedance (using the imp_name option) this could be in other units such as utility or time etc.

imp_namestring, optional

The impedance name to use for the aggregation on this network. Must be one of the impedance names passed in the constructor of this object. If not specified, there must be only one impedance passed in the constructor, which will be used.


Like nearest_pois, this is a dataframe containing the input node index, the index of the nearby nodes within the search radius, and the distance (according to the requested impedance) from the source to the nearby node.

plot(data, bbox=None, plot_type='scatter', fig_kwargs=None, plot_kwargs=None, cbar_kwargs=None)

Plot an array of data on a map using Matplotlib, automatically matching the data to the Pandana network node positions. Keyword arguments are passed to the plotting routine.

Modified in Pandana v0.6 to eliminate usage of Matplotlib’s deprecated Basemap toolkit. No longer accepts bmap_kwargs and no longer returns a Basemap object.


Numeric data with the same length and index as the nodes in the network.

bboxtuple, optional

(lat_min, lng_min, lat_max, lng_max)

plot_type{‘hexbin’, ‘scatter’}, optional
fig_kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments that will be passed to matplotlib.pyplot.subplots. Use this to specify things like figure size or background color.

plot_kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments that will be passed to the matplotlib plotting command. Use this to control plot styles and color maps.

cbar_kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments that will be passed to matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar. Use this to control color bar location and label.


Precomputes the range queries (the reachable nodes within this maximum distance. So as long as you use a smaller distance, cached results will be used.)


The maximum distance to use. This will usually be a distance unit in meters however if you have customized the impedance this could be in other units such as utility or time etc.

save_hdf5(filename, rm_nodes=None)

Save network data to a Pandas HDF5 file.

Only the nodes and edges of the actual network are saved, points-of-interest and data attached to nodes are not saved.


A list, array, Index, or Series of node IDs that should not be saved as part of the Network.

set(node_ids, variable=None, name='tmp')

Characterize urban space with a variable that is related to nodes in the network.

node_idspandas.Series, int

A series of node_ids which are usually computed using get_node_ids on this object.

variablepandas.Series, numeric, optional

A series which represents some variable defined in urban space. It could be the location of buildings, or the income of all households - just about anything can be aggregated using the network queries provided here and this provides the api to set the variable at its disaggregate locations. Note that node_id and variable should have the same index (although the index is not actually used). If variable is not set, then it is assumed that the variable is all “ones” at the location specified by node_ids. This could be, for instance, the location of all coffee shops which don’t really have a variable to aggregate. The variable is connected to the closest node in the Pandana network which assumes no impedance between the location of the variable and the location of the closest network node.

namestring, optional

Name the variable. This is optional in the sense that if you don’t specify it, the default name will be used. Since the same default name is used by aggregate on this object, you can alternate between characterize and aggregate calls without setting names.

set_pois(category=None, maxdist=None, maxitems=None, x_col=None, y_col=None, mapping_distance=None)
Set the location of all the points of interest (POIs) of this category.

The POIs are connected to the closest node in the Pandana network which assumes no impedance between the location of the variable and the location of the closest network node.


The name of the category for this set of POIs


The maximum distance that will later be used in find_all_nearest_pois()


The maximum number of items that will later be requested in find_all_nearest_pois()

x_colpandas.Series (float)

The x location (longitude) of POIs in this category

y_colpandas.Series (float)

The y location (latitude) of POIs in this category

mapping_distancefloat, optional

The maximum distance that will be considered a match between the POIs and the nearest node in the network. This will usually be a distance unit in meters however if you have customized the impedance this could be in other units such as utility or time etc. If not specified, every POI will be mapped to the nearest node.

shortest_path(node_a, node_b, imp_name=None)

Return the shortest path between two node IDs in the network. Must provide an impedance name if more than one is available.


Source node ID


Destination node ID

imp_namestring, optional

The impedance name to use for the shortest path


Nodes that are traversed in the shortest path

shortest_path_length(node_a, node_b, imp_name=None)

Return the length of the shortest path between two node IDs in the network. Must provide an impedance name if more than one is available.

If you have a large number of paths to calculate, don’t use this function! Use the vectorized one instead.

Added in Pandana v0.5.


Source node ID


Destination node ID


The impedance name to use for the shortest path

shortest_path_lengths(nodes_a, nodes_b, imp_name=None)

Vectorized calculation of shortest path lengths. Accepts a list of origins and list of destinations and returns a corresponding list of shortest path lengths. Must provide an impedance name if more than one is available.

Added in Pandana v0.5.

nodes_alist-like of ints

Source node IDs

nodes_blist-like of ints

Corresponding destination node IDs


The impedance name to use for the shortest path

lengthslist of floats
shortest_paths(nodes_a, nodes_b, imp_name=None)

Vectorized calculation of shortest paths. Accepts a list of origins and list of destinations and returns a corresponding list of shortest path routes. Must provide an impedance name if more than one is available.

Added in Pandana v0.6.

nodes_alist-like of ints

Source node IDs

nodes_blist-like of ints

Corresponding destination node IDs


The impedance name to use for the shortest path

pathslist of np.ndarray

Nodes traversed in each shortest path

This function was previously used to reserve memory space for multiple graphs. It is no longer needed in Pandana 0.4+, and will be removed in a future version.


Number of graphs to be reserved in memory

Deprecations in v0.4

Beginning with Pandana v0.4, calls to init_pois are no longer necessary due to an improvement in the C++ backend. From that version on, the max_distance and the max_pois parameters are directly specified by category in the call.

The reserve_num_graphs call is also no longer required. Pandana Network objects can now be created and destroyed on-the-fly and no initialization need be done in advance.